
How to Make Your Pattern Neck Circle Smaller but not the Shoulder

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This guide teaches how to alter a dress form or pattern to better fit your body measurements, especially around the neck and shoulder area.

It emphasizes the importance of having a well-fitting bodice and sleeve block that represents your body, which can then be used to transfer the correct measurements to any draped or patterned piece.

The guide also demonstrates a specific technique for tightening the neck curve on a pattern by taking in the shoulder area without altering the center front, center back, or overall neck curve shape.

Steps for altering neck curve on a pattern:

  1. Identify the shoulder line, neck center front, neck center back, and neck shoulder point on your pattern.
  2. Determine how much you need to take in around the neck (e.g., 1/2 inch).
  3. Divide the total amount to be taken in by two, and mark those amounts at the shoulder points (e.g., 1/4 inch at each shoulder point for a 1/2 inch total).
  4. Connect the marks at the shoulder points to the original neck curve, creating new shoulder seam lines.
  5. Do not alter the center front, center back, or overall neck curve shape.
  6. This method tightens the neck curve by taking in the shoulder area without changing the neckline itself.

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