Corset Draping Course

5 hrs 57 mins
We'll drape & construct a corset from start to finish, and create a base that can be used for both lightweight and heavyweight construction.
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Draping Foundations: Sheath, Semi-Fitted and Shift Dresses

1 hr 59 mins
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Draping Foundations: Basic Slopers

3 hrs 55 mins
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Draping Foundations: Sleeves

3 hrs 34 mins
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Draping Foundations: Jersey Tee

1 hr 29 mins
We drape a jersey fitted and semi-fitted tee, and from there we'll develop our sloper pattern for fitted and semi fitted Tee.
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Removable Dress Form Padding Course

9 hrs 16 mins
We develop a custom removable dress form padding cover with zipper that matches your measurements!
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Oversized Shirt

2 hrs 10 mins
We cover steps for making an oversized shirt/blouse with puff sleeves or large sleeves
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Classic Shirt

4 hrs 31 mins
In this project, we cover steps of making a classic shirt with a yoke
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