
Draping Foundations: Sleeves

3 hrs 34 mins


Introduction & Draping a Sleeve Sloper

Muslin Preparation for a Base Sleeve Sloper PDF
Lesson 1
Muslin Preparation for a Base Sleeve Sloper PDF
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Basic Sleeve - Draping
Lesson 2
Basic Sleeve - Draping
How to sew the sleeve pieces together and then attach them to the armhole of the dress form, easing in the sleeve cap to create a smooth curve over the shoulder area. I mark important points like the elbow, wrist, bicep and back/front lines for transferring to a paper pattern later.
13 mins
Basic Sleeve - Patternmaking
Lesson 3
Basic Sleeve - Patternmaking
In this session, I taught how to draft a basic sleeve pattern from a muslin sleeve. I demonstrated tracing the key lines and measurements onto paper to create the sleeve block.
30 mins

Sleeve Construction

Sleeves Variations Drafting PDF
Lesson 4
Sleeves Variations Drafting PDF
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Introduction, Taping and Measurements for Sleeve Pattern
Lesson 5
Introduction, Taping and Measurements for Sleeve Pattern
In this section, we will work with different sleeve types. Sleeves are a technical part of dressmaking, so it's best to combine drafting and draping methods. This allows you to see the results right away and make decisions during draping. There are different sleeve drafting methods using detailed measurements.
10 mins
Preparation of Schematic of Sleeve Sloper
Lesson 6
Preparation of Schematic of Sleeve Sloper
How to draft a basic sleeve sloper pattern using measurements. I demonstrate the process step-by-step, dividing the sleeve into sections and shaping the armhole curve.
33 mins
Fitting Sleeve Sloper #1
Lesson 7
Fitting Sleeve Sloper #1
I demonstrate how to attach the sleeve to the bodice of the sloper pattern. I show the steps to ease and fit the sleeve cap into the armhole, ensuring a smooth and clean finish.
8 mins
Draping Sleeve #2 Without Prior Shaping
Lesson 8
Draping Sleeve #2 Without Prior Shaping
In this lesson, I teach how to drape a sleeve without any prior shaping on the fabric. I demonstrate the process of shaping the sleeve around the body, deciding on the desired ease and fullness.
10 mins
Basic Sleeve Sloper Patternmaking
Lesson 9
Basic Sleeve Sloper Patternmaking
How to transfer the draped sleeve pattern onto paper to create a basic sleeve sloper pattern. I explain the slight adjustments made to the draped sleeve for added ease at the top.
6 mins

Sleeve Variations

Puffed Cap Sleeve
Lesson 10
Puffed Cap Sleeve
How to create a puffed cap sleeve design by modifying a basic sleeve pattern. I demonstrate the steps to add volume and gathering at the top of the sleeve while keeping it short.
19 mins
Draped Sleeve
Lesson 11
Draped Sleeve
In this lesson, I teach how to drape a unique sleeve design directly on the dress form using fabric manipulation techniques. I demonstrate creating interesting pleats and folds to turn a square piece of fabric into a stylish sleeve.
22 mins
Raglan Sleeve - Draping
Lesson 12
Raglan Sleeve - Draping
How to drape a raglan sleeve pattern directly on the dress form. I demonstrate transferring the bodice sloper markings to muslin, creating raglan lines on the dress form, and draping the muslin to achieve the raglan sleeve shape.
20 mins
Raglan Sleeve - Patternmaking
Lesson 13
Raglan Sleeve - Patternmaking
How to create a basic raglan sleeve pattern. I trace the raglan sleeve shape, adjust the curves, and explain how to separate the front and back pieces to add seam allowances for sewing.
8 mins
Peter Pan Collar
Lesson 14
Peter Pan Collar
In this session, I teach how to drape a Peter Pan collar. While draping collars may seem simple, there are specific techniques involved to achieve the desired shape and fit around the neckline.
27 mins
Off Shoulder / Bardot Sleeve
Lesson 15
Off Shoulder / Bardot Sleeve
How to create an off-shoulder or bardot sleeve design. I explain the two main types of sleeves that can be used for this style - a bardot band or a dropped shoulder sleeve.
10 mins

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