Dress Project: Amanda Transferring the Bodice to Pattern

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In this lesson, I demonstrated how to transfer the draped bodice pieces to paper patterns.

I showed the process of truing pattern pieces, adjusting fit, smoothing lines, and adding seam allowances. I also covered how to mark notches, grainlines, and other key pattern information.

Lesson Steps:

  • Transfer draped muslin pieces to dotted paper, maintaining grainlines
  • True princess seams by matching notches and smoothing curves
  • Adjust fit issues like excess fabric or dart placement
  • Clean up and smooth all pattern lines
  • Add seam allowances (1 cm) to all pieces
  • Mark notches, grainlines, bust/waistlines on patterns
  • Label each pattern piece with name, size, cutting instructions
  • Double check all pieces match and fit together properly

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