DCM Masterclass Sheath, Semi-Fitted and Shift Dresses - Overview and Muslin Preparation
Week 10: Project Week & Refining

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In this lesson, I taught how to prepare for draping sheath and shift dresses. I explained the classic style of these dresses and the importance of proper muslin preparation. I demonstrated how to measure the dress form accurately to create the muslin pattern for both front and back pieces.

Lesson Steps:

  • Measure the dress form from neck and shoulder point, through apex, to desired length (37-40 inches)
  • Mark the hip line on the dress form
  • Determine the width of the fabric based on the widest part of the dress form
  • Add extra allowances for folding and ease (0.5 inch for center front, 2 inches for sides)
  • Prepare the back piece using similar measurements, adjusting for slightly wider hip
  • Mark the hip line on the muslin (about 25 inches from shoulder, plus 2 inches for curve)
  • Cut the muslin pieces according to the measurements for both front and back

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